Prof. Coyoca Keynotes International Conference in Indonesia

Prof. Shiela Gloria Coyoca of the College of Nursing, Mindanao State University in Iligan was the keynote speaker of the 1st Almuslim International Conference on Science, Technology and Society (AICSTS) with the theme Empowering the Role of Higher Education in the Era of AFTA The Institute of Research and Community Services Almuslim University, Bireuen Regency, Aceh Province-Indonesia 7 - 8 November 2015.

This conference has been set as an annual agenda of Almuslim University. In broad outline, the theme of the conference was divided into three science clusters, namely life sciences, humanity and social sciences, and science and engineering. And since science, technology and society might cover a variety aspects or fields, the result of this conference was aimed at the usage of science and technology for the advancement of Indonesian people.

More importantly, this conference assisted in understanding how Indonesia’s preparedness in scientific and technological capability and human resources upon the presence of AFTA (ASEAN Free Trade Area) beginning 2016.

Prof. Coyoca is a member of the Beta Nu Delta Nursing Society's Northern Mindanao chapter.

Prof. Coyoca with conference and university officials

Prof. Coyoca receiving the plaque